If you have employees that regularly use personal vehicles for work, you probably have a system for reimbursing mileage. How well does this system work? If it involves paper logs, you can be sure that the answer is not very well. In addition to the potential for intentional misreporting, paper mileage logs come with several other drawbacks. They can be damaged or altered, and data can be incorrectly entered into your accounting system.

Most fleet tracking systems are primarily designed to track only vehicles and their activities. Of course, drivers and their behavior are also monitored, but only while they are actually in the vehicle, and only if you know for certain which employee is driving. If you want to track both your vehicles and your drivers while they’re on the job, look for a provider that offers key fobs for drivers.

A key component in cost-effective fleet management is encouraging your drivers to actively participate in helping you keep costs down. Because the fuel budget does not come out of their pockets, drivers may not be inclined to take the shortest route, use fuel cards, or turn off the engine when they will be stopped for long periods of time. Taking steps to improve driver accountability can help you boost profits and reduce expenses.