Next month marks a first in the transportation and infrastructure industries, with the launch of the inaugural Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) conference to be held in Novi, Michigan. “V2X for Auto Safety and Mobility USA 2012 in March, will be the very first business consortium for this industry to share future vision for this catalytic […]

The Collins English Dictionary describes telematics as, “the branch of science concerned with the use of technological devices to transmit information over long distances.”It is a rather broad description, but clearly explains the basics of what telematics were designed to do. GPS technology is seeking to take things a step farther.The question is, how will telematics and GPS technology continue to benefit both business and the consumer?

It is no longer just small businesses that are looking to save money these days. Big business and local government are feeling a pinch in their bank accounts and in an economy where prices continue to rise, municipal agencies are looking for ways to save on costs. The only way for the water company to begin recouping their losses was to find alternative ways to reduce overhead expenses. GPS systems became the solution for many.