When it comes to ensuring buses arrive on time and passengers get where they are going safely, people are beginning to see the value of integrating GPS systems into the mass transit industry.

When is the last time you were on your way to the bus stop and weren’t sure if your bus had come and gone? Sadly, this is an occurrence for millions of bus patrons across the U.S. at some point in their daily travels. Metro transportation agencies from the east to the west coast are learning the true value of implementing GPS systems within their bus fleets.

Bus services that begin using a tracking system will not only reap the benefits financially, but they will improve dispatch times, customer service, and safety in the process.

Dispatch Times

We’ve all seen them rushing with bags and briefcase in hand, newspaper atop head. Bus passengers! People depend on bus transportation to get to work, school, and other important appointments. It does not help them to be on time if their bus is late.

Using a GPS system for public transportation fleets is a solid solution to improving bus route arrival and departure times. Dispatch centers that are able to establish the location of a bus at any given moment are able to determine if they are en-route to their next route stop, taking a break, or headed back to the depot. GPS system providers have begun creating GPS apps to allow users to obtain tracking and location information using a computer, cell phone, or tablet device. This allows bus service passengers to track the location of their bus in real-time on their way to or while they wait at the bus stop. This will help to improve customer service.

Customer Service

Imagine you were running late and trying to catch your bus. You arrive at your stop at the exact pick-up time. You stand there an you wait. 5 minutes passes by and you begin to wonder if your bus has come and gone. Since you arrived ‘on-time’ you wait another 5 minutes and become irritated feeling that you’ve missed the bus. Now you want to call customer service to find out where your bus is and why it would come early and leave before its scheduled time. Public transportation services that implement fleet tracking using a GPS system improves customer service by providing real-time route information a bus stops and depots.

Along with improving customer service, a GPS system used for fleet tracking provides additional security for your drivers, their passengers, and your operations financial forecast.


As a parent, waiting on a late school bus in the pouring rain can be a stressful situation. Implementing a tracking system with public access via computer, cell phone, or tablet device provides real-time access to bus routing information when parents need it most. Right now!

Another benefit to adding a GPS system to your bus services, the ability to establish alerts allowing fleet managers to receive messages. These can alert when a bus enters a restricted driving area or is driving unsafely.

It is important when purchasing a GPS system for your bus services business to buy from a reputable company. Off the shelf GPS units a made for more simple, personal applications. When your business depends on accurate, real-time fleet tracking, purchasing your GPS solution from a company like Global Tracking Communications, Inc. is simply smart business.

GPS tracking systems purchased through GTC come with the best technical support and customer service in the industry. GTC understands that time is money customers and bus services would like to save more of.

By implementing a GPS system for fleet tracking, bus services can improve dispatch and route times, improve customer service, and increase fleet security for both drivers and passengers.

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