The features available have been a big bonus. In a rare case, we’ve been able to track down accident information, like how fast someone was going, which has helped with regard to insurance costs.” – Edwin Barreto COMPANY: CMS Mechanical LOCATION: Melbourne, Florida INDUSTRY: Service FLEET SIZE: Large WEB: CMS Mechanical is a Florida […] attended the 2011 SEMA Show this month.   The team made an appearance at the 2011 SEMA Show to showcase their line of advanced GPS hardware and software technology. If you’re not familiar with the Specialty Equipment Market Association, chances are you are not a business into aftermarket automotive products. If you are, […]

  GPS Trackit provides products and services to a number of different market industries, including construction companies. Builders often use GPS for construction by using it to track and monitor equipment usage. Within the industry, there are a number of reasons a construction company should consider using a GPS solution. Expensive trailers and equipment are left […]

It is no longer just small businesses that are looking to save money these days. Big business and local government are feeling a pinch in their bank accounts and in an economy where prices continue to rise, municipal agencies are looking for ways to save on costs. The only way for the water company to begin recouping their losses was to find alternative ways to reduce overhead expenses. GPS systems became the solution for many.