There are 5 Buy Here Pay Here benefits from using a GPS tracking solution in your business. Unfortunately, there are also two hard realities that affect today’s Buy Here Pay Here used vehicle dealers: the customers ability to repay their loan and terminating vehicle use. Customer’s Ability Repay First, stressed economic conditions have spawned an […]
Generated Materials Recovery, a Phoenix, Arizona based commercial recycling service center founded in 1996, has recently found its GPS tracking software adds additional ‘green’ value to their fleet.
Wattrans, Inc., a California based transport company, learns GPS vehicle tracking system can improve fleet miles driven annually.
Wattrans was founded in 2001 to be a transportation industry leader serving cities within a 50-mile radius of Interstate 15 freeway through California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. The company specializes in shipping general freight, paper products, fresh produce, beverages and refrigerated foods. Lyndon Watt was looking for a reliable fleet tracking software to provide better customer service for his clients.
GPS Trackit is devoted to bringing you industry related news and information. On a weekly basis, we will post highlights from news found across the net that relates to GPS tracking, hardware, software, vehicle tracking and location, or asset monitoring and protection.
With products and services becoming standard for a number of manufacturers, Vehicle-to-Vehicle and V2X telematic solutions are gaining in popularity. So much so, Telematics Update stated, “The global market for intelligent transportation systems is predicted to grow to nearly $65.4 billion through 2015.”
CMS Mechanical is a Florida based interior climate solutions company providing the systems and infrastructure to seamlessly perform HVACR repairs. Founded in 1993 and known as, “one of the most respected, tested, self performing full service HVACR service companies in the nation,” CMS Mechanical has offices in PA, VA, LA, NC, AL, TN, and TX, […]
GPS Trackit is devoted to bringing you industry related news and information. On a weekly basis, we will post highlights from news found across the net that relates to GPS tracking, hardware, software, vehicle tracking and location, or asset monitoring and protection.
The features available have been a big bonus. In a rare case, we’ve been able to track down accident information, like how fast someone was going, which has helped with regard to insurance costs.” – Edwin Barreto COMPANY: CMS Mechanical LOCATION: Melbourne, Florida INDUSTRY: Service FLEET SIZE: Large WEB: CMS Mechanical is a Florida […]
Updated for 2013! Did you know that in 2013, tax incentives for using a GPS tracking solution for your business are possible up to a $500,000 purchase, thanks to the Small Business Jobs & Credit Act of 2010? Check Out the GPSTrackIt Section 179 Tax Savings Calculator to see how much you can save! If […]