If you are in the fleet management business, you are likely aware of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) bill that Congress enacted in July 2012. This new legislation aims to make America’s roads safer by implementing several different protocols for drivers and transportation businesses. One of the requirements that will impact fleet management professionals is the switch to electronic logs.
Effective fleet management requires more than just knowing where all of your vehicles are at a given time. You also need to manage drivers, integrate customer billing, control your fuel budget, schedule maintenance, and do many other ongoing tasks. Using a GPS fleet management solution is the most cost-effective way for you to reduce costs, streamline communications, and improve overall performance.
Vehicle tracking systems can be used to monitor all sorts of assets, including heavy equipment. Although features such as real-time mapping, landmarks, and time tracking are essential components of good vehicle tracking systems, if you want to keep an eye on heavy equipment, there are some other features you need to make sure you have.
Fleet GPS is an excellent solution in many situations, but some businesses require a different type of coverage or the ability to track assets using satellites. For example, you may want to track a container shipment across oceans. In this case, real-time mapping may not be required, but you still want the ability to locate the container as needed. Satellite tracking offers an effective solution, and it can be used in combination with fleet GPS to give you all the information you need.
Fleet GPS tools can provide multiple benefits for managers, dispatchers, and drivers. However, while managers and dispatchers have the advantage of computers in the office, drivers are often limited to cell phones and GPS units in the vehicles. Adding mobile fleet GPS tools can enhance the way you manage your fleet and provide several benefits, […]
A hot topic these days in the fleet tracking systems industry is the highway bill passed by Congress in June 2012. The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) bill was created to improve the safety of commercial motor vehicles based on three core principles: The barriers to entry must be higher in order […]
GPS tracking systems can help you save money in several ways, including improving dispatching efficiency. It’s a simple concept: the more efficiently you can dispatch your fleet, the more profit you will have. It comes down to a combination of two factors: Maximizing labor costs – Every minute that your drivers are on the road, they cost […]
Almost every GPS provider has a vehicle tracking system that offers detailed reporting. But what if you need quick answers? What if you want to make a management decision based on historical driver data? You can cull the detailed reports for all the information you need, or you can use a vehicle tracking system that […]
One of the biggest line items in any company’s budget is payroll. Labor is expensive, which is why it is so important to ensure that you get the most from every dollar you spend. Without tools to verify time reporting, you never know whether you are wasting labor dollars. Fortunately, vehicle tracking systems can help you solve this problem with your drivers.
Effectively running a business requires multiple tools and systems. You need an accounting system, office software, sales processes, a customer relationship management solution, and the list goes on. If you own or manage multiple vehicles, you also need a GPS tracking fleet management solution to ensure that you operate efficiently while keeping costs low.