How Work Trucks Save on High Gas Prices in 2022

Cutting the money you spend on fuel can improve profit your business generates

Fuel and gas prices are a major cost for work truck fleets whether they run vans, pickups or trucks. Insurance, fuel, maintenance, and driver salaries all cost businesses with fleet service trucks a hefty sum of money.   Read More

Georgia Service Fleet Accidents Increase Costs

Every year, fleet vehicle accidents and the subsequent damage insurance and lawsuit claims are among the highest costs for businesses. The typical cost of a loss related to vehicle accidents is approximately $70,000. This is nearly twice the cost of the average workplace injury at $36,592. Read More

Chicago Bank Slips GPS Tracker into Stolen Cash Bag


Have you ever looked at your monthly bank statement and wondered where all the money went? Maybe you could try the successful strategy used by the Chicago Police Department and a local bank. A GPS tracking device was placed inside a bag of stolen cash leading to the quick apprehension of the suspect. When a northwest suburban bank was robbed, police were able to follow the escape vehicle from 12,550 feet, and the stolen money. Read More

How Work Truck Fleets Save on High Gas Prices

Cutting the money you spend on fuel can improve profit your business generates

Fuel and gas prices are a major cost for work truck fleets whether they run vans, pickups or trucks. Insurance, fuel, maintenance, and driver salaries all cost businesses with fleet service trucks a hefty sum of money.   Read More

GPS Tracking Business Benefits

GPS tracking technology offers useful benefits to fleet managers and vehicle drivers who want to solve fleet management problems. The problem is that those potential buyers don’t always know exactly what those benefits are or the wide array of advantages that exist. It makes it difficult for them to ultimately make that purchase without fully knowing what they’re getting into or why they’re doing so. Read More