Even civilians are familiar with the classic “blip” on the screen of traditional radar tracking systems used in the military. However, the U.S. Air Force recently took a step toward making it a thing of the past. On May 16, a rocket launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida was tracked via GPS technology rather than […]
Conventional transport methods would often include the use of hard copy maps.
Fleet Management News Digest from GPSTrackIt.com/ …Featuring periodical updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, and laws, regulations and technology that can impact fleet operations. Now Electric-Car Drivers Can Use Google Glass To Find Charging Stations Google Glass has taken the tech sector by storm–and now it’s giving electric-car drivers a reason to pay attention […]
Today GPS tracking is one of those “How did we live without it?” wonders of technology. Whether it’s in your car, on your phone or via a third-party web site, you probably make use of it every day in one form or another. Lost in this universal integration is the fact that we owe our convenient access to GPS to a terrible tragedy that spanned three nations.
Monitor Your Fleet’s Health With Vehicle Diagnostics A service business’s fleet of vehicles is one of it’s biggest assets. GPSTrackIt’s Fleet Manager already provides a Vehicle Maintenance system for scheduling regular, recurring maintenance like oil changes and tire rotations to help extend the life of vehicles and uphold their resale value. Now GPSTrackIt introduces […]
A fleet management solution provides service businesses with more control than ever over fleet operations. A fleet management system can streamline and increase the effectiveness of fleet management—Saving money, saving time and increasing profits.
A car is one of the greatest possessions you will ever have in your life; it takes you everywhere you need to go and is a space that is undeniably yours. Nonetheless most people try to refrain from frequently buying cars, given that purchasing a new car is a long and expensive process for everyone. For […]
Could Hedy Lamarr have had a hand in creating GPS technology? Once we scratch the surface, it does appear that Ms. Lamarr may have had some hand in developing the science that lead to GPS. The years between 1930 and 1959 are widely considered to be Hollywood’s “Golden Age”. Studios made glamorous stars out of people like Clark […]
Fleet Management News Digest from GPS Trackit. Featuring periodic updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, laws, regulations, technology, PLUS some fun stuff.
In a national survey by a DaimlerChrysler AG division, parents have said that they are worried first and foremost about their teenager’s safety while driving more than any other problem. Although teenage pregnancy and underage drinking also made the list, a staggering 59% of parents stated that teen driving was their top concern, placing teen […]