GPS Trackit is devoted to bringing you industry related news and information. On a weekly basis, we will post highlights from news found across the net that relates to GPS tracking, hardware, software, vehicle tracking and location, or asset monitoring and protection. is devoted to bringing you industry related news and information. On a weekly basis, we will post highlights from news found across the net that relates to GPS tracking, hardware, software, vehicle tracking and location, or asset monitoring and protection. To receive this weekly update by email: [button link=”” window=”yes” color=”orange”]Update Me[/button] Planning to Green […]
GPSTrackIt introduces new functionality to their Fleet Manager application. The new features enable the system to determine the optimal ordering of stops in a route and to overlay a driver’s route with the actual vehicle trail recorded by the system. Two new features have been added to GPSTrackIt’s Fleet Manager vehicle tracking system. Route Optimization […] is devoted to bringing you industry related news and information. On a weekly basis, we will post highlights from news found across the net that relates to GPS tracking, hardware, software, vehicle tracking and location, or asset monitoring and protection. To receive this weekly update by email: [button link=”” window=”yes” color=”orange”]Update Me[/button] Efficient Driving Equals Fleet […]
Overtime is expensive, but sometimes necessary to fulfill customer orders or provide a certain level of service. However, when you use tools like GPS tracking to complete work while minimizing or avoiding overtime, the investment quickly becomes worth it. is devoted to bringing you industry related news and information. On a weekly basis, we will post highlights from news found across the net that relates to GPS tracking, hardware, software, vehicle tracking and location, or asset monitoring and protection. To receive this weekly update by email: [button link=”” window=”yes” color=”orange”]Update Me[/button] Fleet operators urged to […]
Using a vehicle tracking GPS system with route optimization features allows you to shave off these extra miles and minutes, saving you money and enabling your drivers to visit more customer sites in a day. Cost Effective Vehicle Tracking: GPS Route Optimization Before a driver heads out for the day, you or a dispatcher can […] is devoted to bringing you industry related news and information. On a weekly basis, we will post highlights from news found across the net that relates to GPS tracking, hardware, software, vehicle tracking and location, or asset monitoring and protection. To receive this weekly update by email: [button link=”” window=”yes” color=”orange”]Update Me[/button] Fleet Car Maintenance Costs […]
New alerts available in GPS Trackit’s Fleet Manager© application offer added monitoring capabilities to their already extensive suite of event, location, and maintenance alerts. Users are now able to monitor four additional parameters that enhance driver safety.
As a fleet manager, there are only so many factors you can control when trying to keep costs down while still providing excellent service to your customers. You have total control over the types of vehicles you purchase, the maintenance schedule, the drivers you hire, and the routes you recommend. However, you have limited control […]