Have you ever looked at your monthly bank statement and wondered where all the money went? Maybe you could try the successful strategy recently used by the Chicago Police Department and a local bank. A GPS tracking device was placed inside a bag of stolen cash leading to the quick apprehension of the suspect.
If you’re one of the more than 24 million people in the United States who enjoy golf, technology has given you another tool to help improve your game. Two new systems provide golfers with game tracking comparable to the methods used by the pros. There are already a number of applications on the market for […]
Lawbreakers who think they have outrun their police pursuers could be in for a nasty surprise. A compressed-air launcher mounted in a police car grille allows law enforcement officers to place a GPS tracking tag on fleeing vehicles for safe tracking from another location.
It used to be that the only way to nab the bad guys was to directly catch them in the act. But as electronics have become more sophisticated, they can take the place of stake-outs or constant monitoring to protect valuables, no matter what they are.
The word “telematics” might sound like something from decades ago, but it’s actually a cutting-edge world of technology. The term refers to software and devices that power the electronic features found in today’s vehicles. From GPS tracking to in-car Wi-Fi connections, telematics is changing the way we drive — both for personal use and in commercial fleets.
Now that companies are embracing telematics in their fleet management systems, where do we go from here? At the ALK Transportation Technology Summit in Princeton, NJ this past May, one of the more interesting presentations zeroed in on connectivity as the most pressing issue in the use of telematics.
The increasing use of GPS devices makes it easy to keep track of others, but this convenience does have the potential to be misused. Legislators in Wisconsin are trying to prevent GPS legal issues with a bill that was recently approved by the Senate. The bill makes it illegal to put a GPS device on […]
Are you amazed by how efficiently GPS tracking systems on your smartphone or in your car can find locations? Get ready to become even more stunned. The latest technology allows GPS devices to identify locations within mere centimeters. What’s behind this improved efficiency?
Why would a GPS patent holder sue fast food restaurants like Burger King and Wendy’s? Actually, let’s hold off on that question. In what sense can a company hold a patent on GPS technology?
SF Leads the Way with Potential Installation of Car Tracking for All City Vehicles. If you are someone who wants more government accountability, you will like this story about San Francisco’s plan to add GPS tracking devices to all 7,841 of the city’s vehicles.