It can seem like keeping your trucks on the road and your best drivers engaged and happy is a difficult juggling act. But with the right fleet dash cam platform, you can make sure your crews and equipment are safe while also saving money and improving employee retention. 

The industry-leading fleet dash cam for driver safety is GPS Trackit’s VidFleet, which combines interior and exterior cameras with a geolocation function that shows you exactly where and how your vehicles are being driven. With the information from those cameras and the data the system collects, you can build a driver safety program that accomplishes all of these important tasks:

Driver Safety 

One of the main reasons home and commercial services companies install fleet dash cams for driver safety? They can monitor what’s happening in real-time—and many times intervene before an incident occurs. GPS Trackit’s VidFleet system uses a driver-facing camera and industry-leading artificial intelligence to monitor a driver’s facial features to predict potentially distracted behavior. The system can then produce a reminder tone to reorient the driver’s focus. Comprehensive vehicle data is also continuously streamed and aggregated—which lets you see exactly how conservatively (or aggressively) your trucks are being driven. With that data, you can produce tailored training programs to encourage the behavior you want to see on the road, which protects crew and vehicles and saves money. 

Retaining Your Most Valuable Team Members

Your best drivers want to be recognized and rewarded for their expertise and safety consciousness. With a driver performance scoreboard, you can pinpoint which crews are at the top of the efficiency and safety list and reward them accordingly. It can cost up to two-thirds of a year’s salary to replace a team member—and that doesn’t even consider what happens when you lose one of your most experienced crew members. By creating a culture that recognizes top achievers, you have a better chance of keeping that valuable team members long-term. 

Reducing Insurance Costs 

Another benefit of using fleet dash cams for driver safety is that they can significantly reduce insurance costs. A dash cam system gives your vehicles an added layer of security—which makes insurers more comfortable about providing coverage. Many insurers will cover the cost of installing a fleet dash cam system, and the average fleet operator sees a reduction in accident costs of more than 15 percent after installation. 

Keeping Accurate Records

If you do happen to have an incident, a dash cam system provides powerful evidence of exactly what happened. Many operators have used the footage to prove a civilian vehicle was at fault in an accident—or somebody was trying to benefit from filing a false claim against a business. Want to know exactly where a driver was—and how he or she was driving at a given time? A system like VidFleet gives you the who, what, when, and where in an easy-to-understand, at-a-glance dashboard. 

To get a free, customized look at what a driver safety program would look like for your field service business, talk to a GPS Trackit Fleet Advisor today.