While innovations in technology arrive with lightning speed, the wheels of justice have a difficult time keeping pace. GPS tracking is the issue that’s currently presenting some thorny situations for our court system. The Supreme Court recently weighed in on the government’s use of GPS devices, declaring it a form of search-and-seizure that is covered by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.
With GPS technology continuing to strengthen its foothold in our personal and professional lives, it’s getting more difficult to remember a time without it. But an anti-war protest in the early 90s nearly derailed the entire system before it even got started. The Harriet Tubman-Sarah Connor Brigade In 1992 two activists named Keith Kjoller and Peter Lumsdaine illegally […]
Most of the time, when you hear the results of new research or a quote from some scientist, it is bad news. It may be that your favorite food is making lab rats dumber or that producing that same food is destroying the planet. But Yahoo News has reported that GPS receivers are proving to […]
Criminals beware: technology is making it harder and harder to fabricate alibis regarding your whereabouts. One forgetful wrongdoer was recently caught in a lie thanks to a GPS tracking device he was wearing as part of bail conditions for a prior infraction. The camera doesn’t lie Darren Girling of Essex, England was caught on camera speeding […]
You have probably noticed in your own short lifetime that modern grave markers are less distinctive and unique than the headstones of yesteryear. While those large granite markers do have character, they don’t fit with the trend of making cemeteries look less like burial grounds and more like meadows. Developer Richard Weintraub is facing this and other issues with his proposed Malibu development.
Here’s a little humorous parody of what cannot be tracked with GPS tracking…
GPS systems have been making headlines lately as law enforcement personnel make use of them to track and apprehend suspected criminals. While results are positive, this practice has also put a spotlight on the ongoing issue of electronic location data and privacy rights.
While decreases in spending by school districts usually results in less effective and less efficient school services for students, a county school system in Georgia has saved money and improved services for everyone by installing GPS technology on 156 of their school buses. Under budget The school system’s transportation department was over budget in December of […]
College football players are using some new equipment to improve their practice sessions. Are you thinking high-tech shoes or lightweight padding? Some forward-thinking coaches are using GPS devices inserted into shoulder pads to gather valuable data about each player’s performance. The method has been used for years by soccer and rugby teams in Australia and […]
As technology evolves to improve our everyday lives, it also has a significant impact on our economy. The term “Silicon Valley” that once referred to a specific geographical area has expanded to encompass the broad spectrum of the high-tech sector. Thanks to the popularity of GPS tracking and other devices, geologic information systems (GIS) is the latest red-hot career field at universities.