Criminals beware: technology is making it harder and harder to fabricate alibis regarding your whereabouts. One forgetful wrongdoer was recently caught in a lie thanks to a GPS tracking device he was wearing as part of bail conditions for a prior infraction.

The camera doesn’t lie

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADarren Girling of Essex, England was caught on camera speeding along a local highway on November 17 last year. While the area speed limit is 30 MPH, his Piaggio X9 scooter was recorded traveling at 41 MPH. The same scenario occurred days later when Girling was caught doing the same speed at the same location on November 25.

When Essex police sent Girling the corresponding citations, he returned them claiming that he had not been on the road at either time. He offered the “theory” that another criminal had cloned his scooter and that was the vehicle that appeared on camera.

Caught by GPS location reporting

Unfortunately for 38-year-old Girling, he forgot about the Buddi Tag he was wearing on his wrist as required by Basildon Crown Court. The device uses GPS tracking that allows police to monitor the location of the wearer in real-time as well as historically.

The tag proved that Girling was indeed on the A13 highway on both occasions. While he had intended to stand trial in order to fight the accusations, the ironclad evidence made the case against him too overwhelming. He ended up admitting to perverting the course of justice by falsifying forms to avoid speeding fines.

Girling, who already had a lengthy record of more than 50 convictions for various offenses, compounded his dishonesty by attempting to mislead the police. Noting that his scooter was a distinctive style, he invited officers to examine it. The scooter did look different from the one recorded by the camera, but it was soon discovered that he switched parts with a second scooter he purchased with the intention of disguising the original.

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