Flying cars may still be the stuff of science fiction, but driverless cars are right around the corner. Combining GPS technology with state-of-the-art sensors, Google’s experimental self-driving car is a giant step toward the future. Initial test drives have been nothing short of phenomenal. (Click here to watch a Google’s test driver put the car through its […]

Fleet tracking software not only saves you and your drivers time, it can also help you save money on fuel costs. With the ever-changing price of oil, these savings can quickly add up and help you get a better return on your technology investment. Small businesses need to shave costs wherever they can. If you operate a fleet of vehicles, GPS tracking software is well worth the investment.

A GPS tracking solution combines the power of GPS locating technology, wireless networks, and a sophisticated yet simple interface to tell a business everything they need to know about their fleet, whether its 2 vehicles or 200 hundred.  This extensive knowledge gives power to optimize operations and reduce costs for small businesses. Here’s six money-saving GPS tracking applications can help boost […]