Platforms like GPS Trackit’s Fleet Management solution offer a virtually unlimited selection of measurements and metrics. You can take a top-level view of your fleet as a whole, or drill down to specific vehicles and drivers to find more granular insights. With the right set of KPIs (or, key performance indicators), you can monitor the variables that mean the most for your business, from efficiency to safety to cost savings.

Here’s a look at four of the most popular KPIs selected by GPS Trackit clients when they begin a new service:
KPI #1 Fuel Consumption for KPIs
Fuel has grown to an even larger percentage of fleet costs in 2022, which means keeping track of fuel consumption—and keeping that data in context—is a critical task for a fleet manager. With average miles per gallon measurements per vehicle and fleet-wide along with color-coordinated trend lines, managers can pinpoint specific vehicles, routes, and drivers that are saving (or costing) fuel relative to the overall fleet.
KPI #2 Driver Scorecard Score
GPS Trackit’s platform lets fleet managers establish driver performance targets for everything from hard acceleration and braking to aggressive turning. Integrated with metrics for fuel consumption—another measure of how fast and/or aggressively a driver drives—fleet managers get a very clear picture of which drivers operated their vehicles with the most safety and efficiency, and which would benefit from more training. Scorecards are also a powerful, positive motivating tool in company-wide challenges and competitions. Drivers who post the best scorecard metrics can be rewarded with better routes, prizes, or financial bonuses.
KPI #3 Route Adherence for KPIs
Metrics measuring how precisely vehicles follow a prescribed route reveal insights in two key areas. At the top level, they show how a network of routes can be simplified, consolidated, or otherwise improved to allow for the same customer coverage with fewer miles driven or fewer teams on the road at a given time. At the driver level, they reveal situations where company vehicles may be taken off route or off task, which gives managers the chance to correct that behavior. With features like GPS Trackit’s geofencing capabilities, managers can build in automatic notifications both in the cabin and at headquarters when trucks leave specifically established areas or approach identified landmarks.
KPI #4 Vehicle Health for KPIs
Maintenance cost, fuel cost, and vehicle downtime all go up dramatically for vehicles that don’t get properly or are regularly maintained. Devices like GPS Trackit’s in-cab telematics solutions connect to a vehicle’s central diagnostic computer and provide streaming real-time updates back to base. With a glance, managers can see where all vehicles in the fleet are falling on their individual maintenance timelines, and can more efficiently schedule maintenance before it becomes a much bigger issue. Simply following and tracking basic maintenance like oil changes, tire inflation, and spark plug replacement can save up to 10 percent in fuel costs.
To get a demo—and an evaluation that can help you determine the best KPIs to monitor for your specific fleet—meet with one of GPS Trackit’s product specialists today.