If you’re in fleet management, you’ve heard the buzz about geofences and geofence alerts: invisible, high-tech boundaries that can seriously enhance your operations.

Here’s a scenario that’s all too familiar for fleet managers: A driver sets out on his assigned route—delivering packages, transporting goods, or providing services. He successfully makes his delivery… and then takes a detour. Instead of returning, he uses the company truck for a personal joyride—to the gym, a shopping spree, visiting friends— or for moonlighting, burning fuel, wasting precious company time that could have been spent on additional services, and causing needless wear and tear on company vehicles.

This occurs more often than even the most skeptical might guess. However, today’s technology offers powerful tools to curb such misuse at a fraction of the cost of potential losses. With GPS tracking, route monitoring, and geofences—the star of our blog today—fleet managers can ensure vehicles are used precisely as intended, saving time, money, and headaches.

The Invisible Sentinel: How It Works

Geofencing is a dynamic technology that turns the idea of an invisible fence into a practical tool for managing location-based activities. Here’s how it works: Imagine drawing a virtual circle (or any shape) on a map around a specific geographic area. This circle sets the boundaries for a “geofence.”

The technology relies on a combination of GPS (Global Positioning System), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Wi-Fi, or cellular data to determine the device’s location relative to the geofence. Consequently, this makes it incredibly versatile and effective for real-time location management and security measures.

Video suggestion (GIF): Drawing of a Geofence with GPS Trackit software.

Whenever a GPS-enabled device—like an asset or GPS tracker—enters or exits this geofence, it triggers a response. This can be anything from a notification alert to automatically logging the device’s entry or exit in a system. It’s like having an invisible sentinel, a virtual boundary that keeps tabs on who’s coming and going without the need for physical barriers.

Businesses use geofencing for various purposes. For example, a retail store might set up a geofence around its location to send promotional notifications to customers who enter the area.

Geofence Alerts for Fleet Management

Fleet optimization and management are among the primary applications of geofencing. This includes monitoring vehicle usage, ensuring drivers adhere to their routes, and preventing unauthorized vehicle use. Additionally, geofences can be used for security purposes, such as alerting managers when a vehicle enters a high-risk area or deviates from its expected path.

A Route to Trust

Geofencing benefits extend far beyond mere cost reduction or safety, however. It’s essential for companies whose reputations hinge on meticulous route management.

Take John Connell, the manager of Special Care Transporters Inc., a non-emergency medical transportation provider in Florida. For him, ensuring that vehicles only travel to authorized locations is critical because the company transports patients from their homes to various medical and rehabilitation facilities. Any deviation could compromise safety and trust.

“It helps our clients peace of mind, too,” he says, “We show we have accountability. We’re watching the vehicles, and they’re not just flying around, Dukes of Hazzard style all over the back roads or Cheech and Chong’s style, with our patients. So that’s a good selling point when we promote our business. I need it when I’m dealing with administrators or other people who are interested in our services.”

Smart Fencing, Smarter Operations

The possibilities are limitless: for instance, geofences are exceptional tools for boosting efficiency when applied creatively and intelligently. Scott Voyna, from Reicks View Farms, a major pork-producing company, shares how their GPS tracking system’s unique capability has become indispensable.

“Our geofencing system is essential for our feed mill operations,” Scott explains. “It tracks the delivery trucks’ time from barn to mill, activating alerts as a truck enters the 11-minute radius—this gives our operators enough notice to prepare the feed mill, greatly enhancing our efficiency.”

Setting Up Geofences for Your Fleet

Identify Strategic Locations for Geofences

Identify the strategic locations most relevant to your fleet’s operations when setting geofence alerts. These could include warehouses, client sites, restricted areas, or common routes.

Choose the Right Partner for Geofencing

Choose a provider that offers seamless integration of fleet management software with geofencing capabilities. Look for essential features such as a robust real-time alert system, comprehensive reporting tools, and user-friendly interfaces.

Determine Geofence Alerts and Parameters

Define the parameters of your geofences, such as their size and the type of alerts you want to receive. Decide whether you need entry alerts, exit alerts, dwell time notifications, or all of the above.

Train Your Team

Ensure your team understands geofencing and its role in your fleet management strategy. Training should cover how to respond to geofence alerts and the procedures to follow in case of unauthorized activity.

Start Creating Geofences Now!

With GPS Trackit, you tailor geofences, geofence alerts, and route management to fit your daily needs. Basically, you can effortlessly design and customize the boundaries you need directly in your operation maps. Contact us today and discover how these cutting-edge features can revolutionize your business!

Are you ready to learn more? Talk to a Fleet Advisor today.