What is the Legality of Fleet Dashcams?

With the prevalence of technology recording everything from conversations, website traffic, locations, photos, and video, the right to privacy in America has taken on a new meaning. Laws written for a more analog era are now being applied to technologies that blur the line between private and public life. This has reignited the debate about Americans’ protections against the harmful use of this new type of information gathering. Read More

For businesses from enterprise trucking to small fleets of field service providers, the question of tracking, video and privacy will inevitably surface. One of our customers at Thompson Trading recently used the GPS Trackit solution to uncover some employee behaviors that went against protocol, costing the company in wasted labor costs. Once they learned what was happening, correcting those employee behaviors created an “instant ROI” in the form of eliminating wasteful costs stemming from unethical behavior.  Read More

Fleet management video cameras or dashcams may be essential for protecting your fleet, but how can you get your drivers to accept it?

It’s easy to find driver comments online about dash cams. Some experienced drivers take pride in their safety records and feel the dash cam is an intrusion or a cause for stress. A few drivers mention how video can prove that the car driver is often at fault in an accident with fleet trucks. This video evidence can exonerate the professional fleet truck driver and reduce expensive insurance claims How can we answer driver questions and make it easier for them to see the value of dashcams in their fleet vehicles?. Read More

What States Require Driver Consent for GPS Tracking and Video Telematics?

Using GPS tracking and video recording is common in modern fleet management. GPS tracking improves navigation, helps drivers find faster routes by avoiding traffic, and helps them save on gas. Businesses are also able to provide their clients with up-to-the-minute updates about shipment locations and driver progress. But businesses need to consider whether they are legally allowed to use these tools. Read More

Essentials for Your Fleet Management Toolbox

Does your shipping business have the right tools in its fleet management toolbox?
At this time, consolidating your fleet management needs into one system is the easiest, most efficient way to run your business, for the fleet management system that satisfies your needs quickly, monitoring your drivers’ safety and the quality of your vehicles, is the one for you.
Immediate alerts regarding your trucks’ locations and any issues that arise with them are the key to your success. The faster you’re able to react to situations or provide your customers with information about the location of their goods, the better your business will be. Read More

The History of Telematics and Fleet Management

Industries throughout the world heard from the 1970s forward that computers would revolutionize the world. By the 1980s, computers made their way into our business offices, our living rooms and school systems, available to more people than ever before, and the emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the 1990s changed how we live our lives and conduct business forever.
Within the shipping business, technology like video telematics has evolved to transform the way vehicles are tracked throughout the world. Read More