Fleet Management News Digest from GPSTrackIt.com/ …Featuring periodic updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, laws, regulations, technology, PLUS some fun stuff… AAA: 21 Percent of Fatal Crashes Linked to Drowsy Driving New research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has concluded that more than one in five (21 percent) fatal crashes involve driver […]

As part of keeping you informed on everything about the uses of GPS did you know that cats are the newest target for GPS tracking? Cats are notorious for having an independent streak a mile wide. Add to that their penchant for small, narrow, out-of-the-way places and you have a situation that’s tailor-made for GPS tracking for cats. The founders of PawTrack are hoping that their device, created exclusively for felines, will put an end to the problem of stray cats.

It’s clear that the uses of GPS systems are limited only to your imagination. What other ways can you think of where this technology could make your daily life much simpler? Consider these other hard-to-track items that could be permanently removed from your missing list. Who knows they might just be the next thing that appears on the GPS market.