Business owners can reap many benefits from investing in a vehicle tracking system, but there are also advantages for the drivers and other staff members, especially when you add two-way communication to the mix. Between following designated routes, reporting mileage, tracking time, providing good customer service, and getting safely from point A to point B, drivers have a lot to manage. Implementing a fleet GPS system with integrated two-way messaging can help improve driver efficiency and help you save money.

Use a Vehicle Tracking System for Better Driver Communication

When you integrate two-way messaging into a GPS tracking system, the combined features make driver communication a snap:

  • Fewer devices – Drivers can use a single tablet device to get routes, complete customer forms, take log notes, and communicate with your dispatching team. Not only is this more efficient, it is also safer for drivers when they have only one device to manage.
  • Real-time updates – Updates from the field are a two-way street. Dispatchers need to know where drivers are so they can make route planning decisions, and drivers need to know what is coming next.
  • Pre-written responses – Many of the messages drivers need to send or receive are frequently used. Make two-way messaging even more efficient by using built-in canned messages, or write your own whenever you need customization.
  • Route planning – Dispatchers can make a lot of route planning decisions based on fleet GPS data, but the ability to easily communicate with drivers means that everybody is on the same page about breaks, schedule changes, and all the other details that a real-time map simply can’t tell you.
  • Speeding – Set up speed alerts to let you know when a driver needs a warning to slow down. Your fleet will be safer and you’ll save on fuel.
  • Idling – Reducing idling times can also save you a bundle on fuel costs. If you see a driver idling for too long, use your two-way messaging system to quickly address the issue.

Use a Vehicle Tracking System to Know When Not to Communicate

Sometimes knowing when notto communicate can be just as effective for improving efficiency:

  • Real-time mapping – A vehicle tracking system lets you know where your drivers are in real-time. You no longer have to send a message to find out where they are or how long it will take to arrive at the next destination. Simply look at their position on the map and save both your dispatchers and drivers the time it takes to communicate it.
  • Alerts – Do you need to know when a driver leaves a certain location? Set up a landmark and alert so you don’t have to rely on the driver to tell you. Of course, the absence of an alert also lets you know that they haven’t left yet and perhaps you need to send a message for a status update.

No matter how large or small your fleet is, GPS Trackit has a solution that will meet your needs. Our new Driver tablet site integrates a state-of-the-art vehicle tracking system with two-way messaging so everybody saves time and your business saves money. Register today to watch the free live demos.

How would you use a vehicle tracking system to improve communication with your drivers?