The History of Telematics and Fleet Management

Industries throughout the world heard from the 1970s forward that computers would revolutionize the world. By the 1980s, computers made their way into our business offices, our living rooms and school systems, available to more people than ever before, and the emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the 1990s changed how we live our lives and conduct business forever.
Within the shipping business, technology like video telematics has evolved to transform the way vehicles are tracked throughout the world.

The Beginning of Telematics

The definition of telematics broadly involves the use of computers and telecommunications as a means of transmitting information, and the term was coined in 1978 to explain the coming computerization of society.
But in business, the term telematics has come to refer to vehicle tracking systems included in the automation of automobiles and commercial vehicles as that technology has developed to prompt safer driving and improved communication while traveling.
The broad uses of telematics and GPS technology can involve GPS navigation tools, GPS tracking, integrated hands-free cellular devices, wireless communication, and automatic driving assistance systems.

Creating Industry Standards in Fleet Management

The uses of telematics in fleet management have been standardized within the shipping industry since 2010 by the Association of Equipment Management Professionals, who worked with Caterpillar, Volvo, John Deere, and other industry leaders to define best practices in shipping and fleet management.
The AEMP monitored key data, such as operating hours, fuel, and the mileage traveled to determine industry standards. Through that, they developed easier ways to access and communicate data within the industry.
As a result, the trucking industry has evolved from weigh stations, handwritten reports and CB radios to faster, safer ways to monitor vehicles, communicate immediate issues, and track shipping throughout the nation and the world.

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How Telematics Are Used In Fleet Management

Video telematics are valuable tools that can keep your fleet management business and your drivers safer while they travel. The AEMP continues to determine industry standards for the technology.

Video Telematics and Surveillance

GPS integrated dash cameras installed on every vehicle in your fleet can serve multiple purposes, providing you with risk protection in the event of an accident, giving you alerts to any emergency, and giving you eyes on the progress your team is making.

GPS Tracking and Fleet Management

Technology will now alert you to when your shipments arrive, when your trucks reach a certain checkpoint, how quickly your drivers are moving, and more. This can improve driver accountability as well, assuring that your team is operating efficiently and safely.

Temperature Monitoring and More

Information gathered through telematics can alert you to vehicle maintenance issues, including the temperatures inside your refrigerated trailers so that you know the quality of the goods you are shipping and can provide that assurance to your customers. Additionally, it will allow you the chance to keep safe vehicles on the road, saving extensive repair costs.
The future of telematics is evolving, but the technology will continue to revolutionize the industry, creating safer and efficient ways to conduct fleet management. If youโ€™d like to learn more about how GPS Trackit can help to improve safety, increase productivity and reduce costs for your business, speak with one of our knowledgeable Fleet Advisors at 866-320-5810 or get a quick Custom Quote.

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