Fleet tracking software not only saves you and your drivers time, it can also help you save money on fuel costs. With the ever-changing price of oil, these savings can quickly add up and help you get a better return on your technology investment. Small businesses need to shave costs wherever they can. If you operate a fleet of vehicles, GPS tracking software is well worth the investment.
A GPS tracking solution combines the power of GPS locating technology, wireless networks, and a sophisticated yet simple interface to tell a business everything they need to know about their fleet, whether its 2 vehicles or 200 hundred. This extensive knowledge gives power to optimize operations and reduce costs for small businesses. Here’s six money-saving GPS tracking applications can help boost […]
George Orwell’s eerily prescient novel 1984 popularized the term “Big Brother”. The name of the book’s all-seeing dictator has come to refer to any oppressive form of mass surveillance. Does GPS vehicle tracking qualify as today’s equivalent of “Big Brother”? When it comes to law enforcement, the Supreme Court so far has come down on the side […]
San Francisco, CA – Networks Products Guide’s 9th Annual IT Industry’s 2014 Hot Companies and Best Products Awards Dinner and Presentation was held Monday June 23, 2014 in San Francisco, California. GPSTrackIt.com/ took home the Gold for their Fleet Manager GPS vehicle tracking solution. Fleet Manager tracks a business’s vehicles, assets, equipment and teams in […]
Fleet Management News Digest from GPSTrackIt.com/ …Featuring periodic updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, laws, regulations, technology, PLUS some fun stuff… Harley-Davidson Livewire Electric Motorcycle Concept: Test Ride The Harley-Davidson Project Livewire electric motorcycle concept has been blazing across the country, with demonstration rides offered to owners and fans on no fewer than 40 concept […]
There are a handful of historical events that have led to the ways in which modern Global Positioning Systems are used today. As more and more technologies unfold and as they continue to simplify our lives, it’s easy to forget how we’ve come to use them. Let’s take a look at how GPS was used initially.
Fleet Management News Digest from GPSTrackIt.com/ …Featuring periodic updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, laws, regulations, technology, PLUS some fun stuff. Hack A Tesla Model S And Win $10,000 The word “hack” is a little over-used in today’s lexicon, but in the general sense it refers to the process of cracking the software system […]
Huntington Beach, CA – A record crowd assembled on July 4th to watch in awe as Tim Conway, Jr.’s “Waves of Freedom” float was one of the stars of the 110th annual Huntington Beach parade. Attendees to the parade and people all over Southern California were “tracking” Tim’s progress on the parade route via GPSTrackIt.com/’s […]
If you are considering incorporating a GPS fleet tracking solution (whether you have 2 vehicles or 2oo) into your business, you’ll need to consider several options, features and functions that various systems provide. Although you’re very busy and don’t want to spend hours and hours on your research, you still want to make sure the […]
Fleet Management News Digest from GPSTrackIt.com/ …Featuring periodic updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, laws, regulations, technology, PLUS some fun stuff. Supreme Court: California Cleaner-Fuels Plan OK, Oil Companies Lose Appeal In an action sure to appease fans of a greener transportation future, the U.S. Supreme Court has chosen to decline oil and ethanol companies’ […]