Effectively managing safety is crucial as this ultimately means looking out for the well-being of company drivers, the general public, and your vehicle fleet. Integral aspects to thoroughly managing a safe fleet include monitoring driver behaviors as much as possible, whether this is done by managing real-time GPS data and video, regularly reviewing motor vehicle records, or utilizing a number of other important solutions and tools to support fleet safety.
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Dash cams can serve as a vehicle “black box” if they’re recording during an incident. Telematics can help reduce accident rates. We’ll examine several ways you can use GPS tracking and telematics to create a safer fleet.
What Is the Correlation Between Speeding, Hard Braking and Higher Accident Rates?
Accidents are often preventable through the right mix of training, education, and tracking. Over a 10-year period there was a 12-percent increase in the total number of people killed in large-truck crashes, from 4,245 fatalities in 2008 to 4,761 fatalities in 2017 according to a report released in 2019 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Trucking accidents can be costly, both in terms of money and lives lost. Ensuring the safety of your fleet drivers and the community you serve should always remain top-of-mind. Accidents are costly and can be a major issue, so make sure you’re doing everything in your power to reduce the chances of incidents.
What Should I Include in My Fleet Vehicle Maintenance Policy?
Curious as to what you should include in your fleet’s vehicle maintenance policy? GPS Trackit unpacks everything you need to know about how to create a maintenance policy that will serve your company, employees and vehicles to improve efficiencies and generate better customer outcomes.