Fleet Management News Digest from GPSTrackIt.com/ …Featuring periodic updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, laws, regulations, technology, PLUS some fun stuff… Household Movers Seek Exemption to 14-Hour Rule Household goods movers represented by the American Moving and Storage Association are asking the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for an exemption to one part of […]

San Francisco, CA – Networks Products Guide’s 9th Annual IT Industry’s 2014 Hot Companies and Best Products Awards Dinner and Presentation was held Monday June 23, 2014 in San Francisco, California. GPSTrackIt.com/ took home the Gold for their Fleet Manager GPS vehicle tracking solution. Fleet Manager tracks a business’s vehicles, assets, equipment and teams in […]

Fleet Management News Digest from GPSTrackIt.com/ …Featuring periodic updates on new fleet vehicles, fuels, laws, regulations, technology, PLUS some fun stuff… Harley-Davidson Livewire Electric Motorcycle Concept: Test Ride The Harley-Davidson Project Livewire electric motorcycle concept has been blazing across the country, with demonstration rides offered to owners and fans on no fewer than 40 concept […]