Fuel costs rose once again to record highs in late spring, eclipsing $4.50 per gallon nationwide. Any organization that relies on fuel is susceptible to that pain—and that includes school districts and their bus fleets. Georgia public schools were forced to go to remote learning days to save diesel fuel and cash, and a Florida district saw its fuel expenditures rise as much as 40 percent in a matter of months because of just-in-time purchasing policies.

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California Bans All Small Gasoline-Powered Engines – Problem for Lawncare

On January 1, 2024 landscape companies along with homeowners in California are facing massive changes in how they will manage lawn care and property maintenance. Under a new California law, they will have to give up their gasoline-powered string trimmers, lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, chainsaws, and leaf blowers otherwise known in industry jargon as small off-road engines (SORE). Read More

CSA Scores Impact on Truck Drivers & Fleet Managers

According to the US Census, there were more than 3.5 million truck drivers working in the US just two years ago. While the current driver shortage indicates that this number has likely decreased in the time since the report, there are still millions of truckers sharing American roads with school buses, public transit buses, motorcycles, RV’s, and over 200 million motorists. Read More

For businesses from enterprise trucking to small fleets of field service providers, the question of tracking, video and privacy will inevitably surface. One of our customers at Thompson Trading recently used the GPS Trackit solution to uncover some employee behaviors that went against protocol, costing the company in wasted labor costs. Once they learned what was happening, correcting those employee behaviors created an “instant ROI” in the form of eliminating wasteful costs stemming from unethical behavior.  Read More