As technology has advanced, the role and duties of a fleet manager have changed dramatically. GPS tracking for construction has streamlined the process of tracking vehicles, dispatching drivers to jobs, and fleet management.
We’ve heard a lot about the benefits of adopting electronic logging technology, especially now that the ELD mandate is in effect. What we haven’t heard much about, however, is the potential backlash which could come as a result of this legislation. It is important that fleet managers understand both sides of the narrative so that they can make the best decisions for their fleet.
There are many commercial drivers who aren’t willing to take regular breaks. While this is probably because their to-do list is packed with tasks and they are too busy to make time for a short break, skipping a break to stay productive is no longer a choice for many drivers. With the FMCSA’s 30-minute mandatory break regulation in place, taking short breaks while driving is now required by law. Find out how this affects your fleet.
Female drivers are entering the trucking and transportation industry in record numbers and have more opportunities than ever to work as long-haul drivers. Although male drivers currently dominate the driver pool in the trucking industry, many operations have gradually started attracting more female truck drivers. Is it time for more female drivers to consider truck driving as a career option?
Long-haul drivers, also known as over-the-road truckers, spend a lot of time on the road. They travel long distances and are usually away from their families and homes for many weeks at a time. Driving a vehicle all day, sleeping in a truck, and eating at rest stops can lead a long-haul driver down an unhealthy path. The very nature of this job is quite sedentary and staying healthy can be a big challenge for many drivers.
Driving isn’t just about getting from one place to another; the truth is more complicated. It is an activity that requires responsibility, patience, concentration, and knowledge of the rules of the road. As a regular fleet driver or a long-haul trucker, you need to exercise politeness and care to make the streets safer for people around you. Here are some road etiquette rules that you need to know
Many plumbing and HVAC contracting ventures fail within their first few years in business. Is your contracting business destined for the same fate? We take a look at some of the ways you could be falling behind the competition.
Most fleet-based companies would find it hard to describe their operation as “green”. The nature of the business often necessitates both carbon emissions and paper waste, though this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to build and manage an eco-friendly fleet. While some degree of environmental impact is inevitable for most fleet operations, that impact can be minimized with a few smart, sustainable choices.
If you are managing a service-based business, you are aware of the fact that customers aren’t so forgiving these days. That’s why you need an effective appointment manager at your disposal to make sure you never miss a service call. GPS Trackit’s new customer scheduling tool/calendar feature is the perfect solution for appointment-based businesses to keep their drivers on track and their customers happy.
Today, GPS technology has gone mainstream, and anyone with a tracking device can pinpoint the exact location of their vehicles with a simple click of a button. With the incorporation of GPS trans-receivers in mobile phones, this technology has gained a lot of popularity among the general population.