Help Save Lives – Be An Example…

Almost 40,000 people die in vehicle accidents each year according to the Center for Disease Control. Every 10 seconds, a victim of a road accident is treated in an emergency room.

The National Safety Council states that almost 25 percent of all accidents in 2010 happened because of cell phones, accounting for almost 1.1 million crashes that year. Practically five percent of crashes are estimated to be caused by texting, almost 55,000.

Studies show that drivers having cellphone conversations do not process up to 50% and possibly even more of the information that is vital to their driving environment.

Insurers estimate that as many as 450,000 accidents a year are caused by drivers being distracted while applying cosmetics. Watch this eye-opening video from Nikkie Tutorials.

In addition to not using a cell phone or texting while driving, below is a list of other common, behind-the-wheel activities that put drivers at risk of catastrophe.

While driving DO NOT:

  • Text
  • Drink and drive (alcoholic)
  • Talk on the phone
  • Abuse drugs
  • Block other drivers from changing lanes
  • Brush hair
  • Change an article of clothing
  • Change diapers
  • Change lanes frequently
  • Check email
  • Cross legs and use cruise control
  • Cut in front of other drivers
  • Drive tired – Nod off to sleep
  • Drive too fast for road conditions
  • Drive with knee or elbow
  • Fail to secure heavy equipment/loads on top or in the truck bed of the vehicle.
  • Feed a child or baby
  • Find directions on a map
  • Floss
  • Get too emotional
  • Have a heated discussion with a passenger
  • Have relations
  • Hold small child/dog/cat on lap
  • Kiss
  • Leave on high beams in oncoming traffic
  • Look for music on device
  • Look for something in the car
  • Multitask
  • Play video games
  • Put in or adjust contact lenses
  • Put on makeup
  • Read a book or newspaper
  • Reprogram GPS navigation
  • Shave
  • Speed
  • Take notes or write
  • Take pictures
  • Talk to a driver in the car next to you while driving.
  • Use earphones to listen to MP3 device
  • Use iPad/laptop
  • Watch a movie
  • Wipe down dashboard

Distracted Driving Prevention – Here’s what You can do to Make a Difference:

  • Tell your family, friends and business contacts that you do not answer, talk or text on the phone while driving.
  • When you start your car, turn your cellphone off.
  • When your cellphone rings, if you must answer, carefully and safely pull off to the side of the road and answer it.
  • If you must make a call, get off the road and park in a safe place, then make your call.
  • Do not think you are “above others” and can talk and text more carefully. You cannot.

For more on how to prevent distracted driving visit d!

Things Not To Do While Driving

Share GPS Trackit’s things not to while driving with Fleet Teams with this downloadable PDF.

Cell Phone and Texting Laws by State

Share which states are “doing the right thing” by making it illegal to use a cellphone while driving, including texting with this downloadable PDF.