2024 is behind us, and what a year it’s been for GPS Trackit! All things considered, we had it good. From introducing new features to enhancing existing tools and launching a groundbreaking platform, we’ve been focused on delivering advanced telematics solutions to simplify our customers’ lives and help them grow their businesses. Given that, here’s a look back at how we’ve refined and redefined fleet management through cutting-edge technology this past year.
Help Center: Supporting Fleet Technology in Spanish
As GPS Trackit continues to grow, so do our efforts to provide better support. This year, we launched the Help Center in Spanish to ensure our telematics solutions are accessible to a more diverse audience. This new resource supports U.S.-based Spanish-speaking customers as well as Latam-based clients and employees, ensuring everyone can fully benefit.
Introducing FieldSync!
Above all, one of our biggest milestones in 2024 was the launch of FieldSync, a powerful platform designed for small to midsize field service businesses. FieldSync enhances operations with seamless integrations, offering real-time insights and connecting field activities with office operations. Also, this platform integrates flawlessly with GPS Trackit’s telematics solutions, allowing customers to manage field operations and vehicle tracking from a single platform.
Preview VidFleet Before Requesting
With the new preview feature for our Request Video Function, managing video footage from VidFleet is now more efficient. This enhancement provides fleet managers with greater flexibility and control over their video telematics solutions, allowing them to review footage before deciding which clips to retrieve. This feature improves incident investigations and operational standards by ensuring managers access only the most relevant data.
New Fleet Technology
We added two new Dashboard gadgets to GPS Trackit’s dashboard, making it easier to track performance metrics:
- Landmark Visit Gadget: View recently visited landmarks, visits per location, and time spent there.
- Landmark Real-Time Gadget: Instantly see which landmarks have vehicles present and which vehicles they are.
These additions enhance management by providing more actionable insights and better visibility into the fleet’s activities.
Vicinity Search Tool
The Vicinity Search Tool makes tracking vehicles and equipment effortless. By defining a geographic area and reviewing activity within a 12-hour period, users gain a clearer picture of fleet movement and security. This tool exemplifies how GPS Trackit’s telematics solutions improve oversight, detect irregular movements, and support efficient operations.
Webhooks as an Alternative to APIs
While GPS Trackit offers APIs for seamless data integration, Webhooks provide an excellent alternative for real-time data sharing. By integrating Webhooks with our telematics solutions, businesses can ensure continuous updates and improved workflow management, creating a smoother operational experience.
Looking Ahead: Fleet Technology’s Future
2024 was all about refining and redefining fleet management with innovative telematics solutions that simplify operations and drive growth. But we’re not stopping there—bigger transformations are on the horizon. Get ready for game-changing advancements that will take your operations to the next level. Contact us today and discover how GPS Trackit can accelerate your evolution.