You can now access a fully-integrated marketplace with carefully selected 3rd party solutions within the GPS Trackit product portal. With a few clicks, you can discover, try, buy and access innovative solutions to help you achieve your fleet management goals. And now, you can get these solutions at a discounted price!

Here are the types of resources available through the GPS Trackit Marketplace:

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What is Final Mile Delivery?

Many of us take full advantage of delivery services that fulfill our product orders without really thinking about how the packages finally end at our doorways. Final mile delivery, which is also known as last-mile delivery, is essentially the last step or leg of a product’s trip and comprises the movement of goods from a transportation hub to a final destination at which point the goods are finally delivered to the end customer. Read More

Lawn Care for Atlanta Braves Truist Park

A lot of work and preparation goes into the maintenance and care of a Major League Baseball field. For one thing, the stadiums are massive. Take Truist Park, home of the reigning World Series champion Atlanta Braves, for example. The deepest point from home plate goes all the way out to 402 feet. Other parts of the field go beyond 300 feet. This doesn’t even take into account all the grass behind home plate, in front of each dugout, and along the foul line. Read More

5G Technology Supply Chain Crisis Affects Fleet Management

Experts predict that ultra-fast and ultra-connected new 5G cellular technology will become standard in supply chain industries before the end of the decade. 100 times faster than previous iterations of this technology and soon to be almost universally accessible, this “fifth generation” is poised to transform the shipping and trucking industries. Read More

Computer Chip Shortage Slows Class 8 Heavy Truck Production

The semiconductor shortage is short-circuiting heavy-duty truck production as supply-chain disruptions hamper efforts to meet robust demand for new big rigs.
North American production of Class 8 trucks, the big vehicles that haul most domestic freight, sank this summer to its lowest level since May 2020. Read More