Welcome to a Tag-tastic experience.
Here you will find short videos and detailed information on the latest changes to the GPS Trackit Cloud Platform. You’ll see that it’s a Tag-tastic way to both simplify and expand the way you use GPS Trackit.
Here you will find short videos and detailed information on the latest changes to the GPS Trackit Cloud Platform. You’ll see that it’s a Tag-tastic way to both simplify and expand the way you use GPS Trackit.
A Tag is the building block you’ll use to identify the important elements of your business—vehicles, drivers, locations, driver forms—anything you want the ability to sort and assign. Tags give you a simplified naming convention that lets you quickly identify business elements, sort them and establish who in your organization has access to them.
If you’re an existing user of the GPS Trackit Cloud platform, nothing! Each Group element from the platform will be converted to a Tag in the new Cloud app. For most customers, there’s nothing else to do beyond getting comfortable with the new features. If you’re a customer with a large or complicated set of groups, you’ll be able to streamline that system with Tags (and we can help with that!).
Tags are essentially the filing system you use for your day-to-day assets. You can assign units, drivers, landmarks, geofences, and FSM forms to each tag, and then assign those tags to the relevant users in your organization. For example, if you serve multiple markets and have multiple types of vehicles, an individual market and vehicle type would each be assigned a tag. Users who needed to see assets and assignments related to that market and vehicle type would be assigned those tags. Tags let you easily establish a hierarchy of who needs to see what and when. You can also filter views in Status or on the Map and run reports based on these tags, making it easier to organize your assets.
Instead of having to click through to see which users are assigned to a particular group, Tags allow you to see and organize your assets at a color-coded glance. It also makes the process of setting up new user accounts much easier. Select the relevant tags into the new profile and you’re ready to go in minutes. The framework of your workflow remains the same, but you’ll find that it takes less time to find and use what you need. It’s Tag-tastic!
If you’re concerned about migrating to Tags, don’t be! We have support and training teams ready to answer any questions you might have—including ones about other features you’ve seen in the new App. You can also go through one of our guided GPS Trackit Cloud walkthroughs, where you see exactly how the new system works.
The new GPS Trackit Cloud makes managing your assets with GPS Trackit faster and easier. One of the most important updates is how the new software platform handles Users across your organization. Instead of organizing them by email address and siloing them in groups, Cloud lets you organize by name, Tag, and Role.
Previously, the Users tab was organized by email address and required you to drill down into group folders to figure out users’ access to specific kinds of information. Now, with the new GPS Trackit Cloud, user profiles are listed by name, color-coded Tags and the user’s Role. You can think of Role as the user’s employee classification—admin, manager, driver, service technician, etc.—and set feature access privileges accordingly.
The new, streamlined User creation tool helps you set up a user’s tags and Role in minutes. Enter a user’s first and last name, user name, email and password and the menu will prompt you to assign the appropriate Tags and Roles. The Roles control tab allows you to separately manage platform access permissions for certain roles which can then be assigned to users. For example, those with top-level administrative Roles would have full access to view and change account and dashboard features, while a customer service Role might have view-only access to some of those features.
The streamlined user entry process works with Tags and Roles to give you a true at-a-glance dashboard for your assignments and permissions. It’s also much easier to duplicate assignments and permissions across multiple users, change access levels and deliver need-to-know reporting with precision.
For existing GPS Trackit Cloud users, taking advantage of the new Users and Roles features in Cloud won’t require you to start from scratch. For most clients, the transition will be straightforward and automatic. When you’re ready to add a new user, you can add them to a previously defined role, or choose a Custom Role and select individual permissions from each of the major features the Cloud platform has to offer.
Turning raw data into organized information with context is the lifeblood of an organization. With the new Cloud from GPS Trackit, that’s easier than ever before. With more ways to organize, prioritize and deliver Reports—and do it with one click. Let’s take a look at the new Reports features.
When you open the new Reports tab, the interface you see looks very different—but you’ll quickly see features you recognize—and experience the advantages of the new setup. Instead of hunting for reports you’ve already run or combing through folders to add groups to a new report, the new interface offers your most recently generated reports, reports ready and pinned reports in a menu, as well as a simplified setup tool to generate a new report.
In the Report Setup window, simply choose the kind of report you’d like to run, whether you’re interested in sorting by unit or by driver, and then add the appropriate Tags—anything from style of vehicle to location to the metric you want to measure. The report will generate in a new tab, and be will automatically added to the recently generated reports on the Reports tab for easy access later. To run a scheduled report, you don’t have to navigate over to the Settings tab any longer. Now, they live on a dedicated tab on the Reports page. Simply name it, select the frequency, pick the unit Tags and who you want to receive the completed report.
In Fleet Manager, Reports could only cover 30 days, and there was a functional limit to the number of reports that could be generated at one time. In Cloud, you can run reports that can cover up to a full quarter, and more powerful processing allows you to run more—and more complicated—reports. If a particularly large report will take more time, the app will give you the choice to wait as it processes in the background or have it delivered by email when it’s ready. The cleaner interface lets you select recently run reports with a click, and pin reports you frequently run to a separate menu right on the front page. You get the information you need, in context, in fewer steps.
Don’t worry about potentially missing reports or having to go through a laborious process to reformat your work. The previously scheduled reports you’ve already generated are automatically migrated to the new Reports tab. We’ve designed the migration process to be as painless as possible, but if there’s something not covered that you’d like help with—either in Reports or in other sections like FSM—we’re here for you. Click the link below to watch a guided tour through the new app, or schedule a live coaching session with one of our training teams.
You count on GPS Trackit to give you a real-time view of your crews, vehicles and equipment. With new Alert and Status features in GPS Trackit Cloud, seeing the “outlier” behavior that requires your attention is even more direct and precise.
Previously, you scrolled through the Settings tab to establish alerts. Now, in the new GPS Trackit Cloud, you’ll find a bell in the upper right hand corner of the screen where all your Alerts live. The Status tab has been upgraded as well. Unlike the previous Vehicle Status tab and its unit restrictions, Status gives current information on any vehicle or unit in your fleet.
The Alerts and Status functions do different but related jobs. Use the new Alerts bell to quickly see recently triggered alerts, or click manage to create, edit or view all of your alerts. Alerts are best used to notify you when your units exceed a specified parameter such as Posted Speed, or Idling Times. These are able to be filtered by severity which can be added when creating new alerts or editing existing ones. The new Status Tab replaces the previous Vehicle Status and empowers you to sort, reorder and filter your fleet so that it only displays the relevant data you need access to. This upgrade also allows you to more easily identify the status of specific vehicles without needing to find them on the map.
In addition to being quicker and easier to access Alerts under the bell icon, Alerts can now be set with low, medium or high severity—complete with a color-coded badge. This lets users sort and filter by priority so that the most urgent alerts can be addressed right away. The drop down menu under the bell also gives you a choice between sorting alerts chronologically or by severity level. In the Status tab, you not only have the ability to see any kind of vehicle or unit, but now you can also add, move and delete any of the columns displayed on the main screen. You can also set unit-specific alerts for entire categories at once—instead of having to repeat the function for every vehicle within that Tag.
All of your Alerts and Status settings automatically Upgrade with the new GPS Trackit Cloud, which means you won’t have to spend hours redoing tedious data entry. To get the full benefit of the Cloud update, you can add the severity indicator to each of your alerts as needed.
Have questions about your particular use case—or about how features like FSM have been updated? Go here to get a free live, one-on-one tutorial and product walkthrough from our training team.